Our Story
The story began when the Morgan family moved from surburbia to the Old Road, nestled in the heart of Marlborough some 20 years ago.
Back then, there were two ginormous Brown Turkey Fig Trees on the property. These two trees were bought back from the Middle East by the previous owners and were the spark that lighted our family’s love for these ancient and much adored trees and their sacred fruit (or flower as they so happen to be).
Over the years, the number of fig trees has grown from 2 to 750 and along with generous feijoa plantings, the orchard has become a true bounty of edible delights come Autumn. The orchard is a family run operation and everyone is hands on. Weekends have become a fruity ritual during the season with the kids sharing the freshness at local Farmer’s Markets while Dad along with our incredible fig man, Brian, head out to the orchard to select and hand pick each and every piece of fruit (accompanied the family pooches of course). Mum is on quality control to ensure that every piece of fruit is top notch and something we would be proud to eat and serve at our own family table.
Within the fig orchard, we grow three main varieties:

Brown Turkey
This is our predominant variety. The skin is green/purple with a light-coloured luscious flesh that is delicately sweet and pairs beautifully with honey and blue cheese.
A smaller fig that has a green skin and a vibrant pink centre that looks and tastes incredible with a creamy white goats cheese. A favourite amongst our restauranteurs.
Cape White
A petite green skinned fig with a creamy centre. Delicious with roast pork or crispy duck!
We have a bountiful supply of feijoas and some that are the biggest people have ever seen. With a team of pickers, we ensure the feijoas arrive to you as if you have picked them yourself!
We take great delight in sharing the beauty that is fresh seasonal figs and feijoas and watching those who are trying the fruit for the very first time. For some it is love at first bite and for others, a memory of something special from their childhood.
As a family, we love to grow the fruit, eat the fruit and above all, share it. Over the years, we have eaten figs and feijoas every which way and we never tire of their fruity deliciousness, whether eaten raw, cooked or simply straight off the tree.
We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labour as much as we do. From our orchard to your family table, please enjoy our Autumn bounty.